
…Our works in this life are the sowing, and the future life is the harvest of what we have sown. Whatever one sows here, that is what he shall reap there. If one hastens to cultivate the field of his heart, to fertilize it and to sow in it the seeds of immortal grain, he can confidently expect to see a corresponding harvest unto eternal rest and delight. He that sows with tears of repentance shall reap with rejoicing and “shall be filled,” says the Prophet (Psalms 16:16 and 125:6), for sweet rest follows upon the labors of piety. But rest and refreshment are denied to him who has not labored in the work of piety—he that is idle should not eat, it is said (cf. II Thessalonians 3:10). -St. Moses of Optina

Author: frphoti

I am an Orthodox Priest trying hard to balance life and work. I paint Icons on commission as well. Blog updated every Monday with occasional random posts